Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day Two

Dear Journal,

As the day went by, I realized a couple of things about this revolution, this and any other. it is long, tiring, and it goes on forever. If the revolutionaries will win the war, they will become the new loyalists and elect a president. After a while the poorer of the country's population will come up with an army of their own and will become the new revolutionaries. It's a never-ending cycle, and Lolo a Ignacio agree with me. If this revolution, the 43rd revolution to be exact, ever ends, life for the peasants will stay the same, if not become worse. The rich with become fatter, and the poor will become skinnier and die. I had a chance to talk to Captain Mendoza about my ideas this morning, and I was quite surprised that he talked back to me. He told me something about our country having a jaguar for a father and a volcano for a mother, and that the only people getting hurt are the children. Later on I found out that Captain Mendoza's son got killed in an ambush yesterday night. I don't agree with what he told me. I think that the government should just give families like mine more money, make education free so that everybody can be taught to read and write, and especially end this stupid, pointless war.